Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea Muscipula)
Dionaea Muscipula, commonly named the Venus fly trap, is an evergreen plant known for being insectivorous and a popular novelty indoor plant choice. Its foliage grows in groups of green leaves with a flat stalk terminating in a distinct, hinged fly-catching trap with bristle 'teeth' that will close and interlink in order to secure prey.
As tempting as it may be to artificially trigger the plant's trap to shut out of curiosity, the process requires a lot of energy from this fascinating specimen and is advised against for a happy plant.
Your Venus fly trap will thrive in a humid position that benefits from full sun or partial shade, planted in a container with moist, well-drained, loamy soil with an acidic pH.
During the growing season, water the plant from below by standing the container in a saucer of water up to 2.5cm deep. In the winter months, water the plant from below and dispose of any excess. Keep moist. Remove any dry, dead black parts of the plant.
Tiny white flowers will appear in clusters come summer - these blooms are best removed if you are a beginner owner, as flowering can be exhausting for your Venus fly trap. Preventing the flowering will aid the plant in growing more vigorously during summer.
Please Note: When purchasing plants, please consider that each live item is unique and may therefore differ from the images shown, which are for illustration purposes only. The plant will be supplied in a growers pot. Depending on season, some plants may be pruned back to encourage growth.'