Happy Fathers Day Rose - Gift for Dad
A Happy Father's Day Rose is the perfect gift to celebrate a great Dad on Father's Day. Yellow roses are a symbol of joy which makes it the perfect gift for a great Dad.
Rose bouquets can be expensive, considering they will last a week or so; a living rose will flourish for years to come.
All of our gift roses are potted and presented with a large, attractive colour label with a picture and care instructions. Well also include a small personalised gift card on which you can write any special message you wish to include with your rose. If you would like us to write this out for you prior to dispatch, please contact us immediately after purchase with your message.
Gift Rose Collection features an abundance of vibrant colours for celebratory, commemorative and congratulatory occasions; wedding roses, birthday roses, anniversary roses, retirement roses, Mothers Day roses and more.
Roses may be pruned back to encourage re-growth. Rest assured, if your gift rose arrives without foliage, it has been pruned with the best interests of the plant at heart and will soon flourish once again.